My name is Dr.S.Chandrasekhar and I have been coaching and counseling for the past 4 years.Most of my coaching till date has been face to face and I discovered, for the first time, thanks to the exposure at the International Coach Academy,that a telephonic coaching session could also be equally, if not more, effective!!

Interestingly, there are some clients who prefer face to face counseling or coaching and are not willing to make the effort to even try out the tepehonic option!! I respect their feelings on this, and devote a considerable portion of my time to face to face counseling.These are mainly clients who come for treatment for various mental illnesses like clinical depression, schizophrenia,drug(alcohol,smoking and drugs)de addiction,and various stress related ailments.After their treatment,and sometimes during the treatment, the Psychiatrist with whom I am associated, refers the clients to me.In a sense, I have not had the need to make the effort to search for clients during the past 4 years thanks to the clinical set up in which I currently operate!

The coaching model and Power Tool that I use in my coaching process has been spelt out in detail in this blog and the various steps that I have taken to upgrade my skills, have also been outined below in the various sections.The biggest asset that I have in the present clinical set up is the number of clients who come on a regular basis to the Psychiatrist, who then get referred to me for counseling or caoching.There are days in which I coach as much as 8 clients, some of them new and most of them on a repeat. basis for as much as 25 or 30 sessions. One may ask whether this amount of coaching gets tiring.Interestingly, I find that it does not!!

My niche coaching areas are

Relationship coaching including Marital and Pre Marital issues

Geriatric coaching

Coaching on stress related issues

Executive Coaching for small and medium enterprises